46-year-old Kristian who has lived in Yate since he can remember deals daily with a moderate learning disability and he is on the Autistic spectrum. He has a large family including his dad Gary and partner Kathy, a brother and a sister and 3 nieces and 2 nephews. He loves to walk and swim, go to Comic-Con and play PS4. Kristian has had Care Horizons in his life for 16 years helping him to get out of the house and do fun things as well as try new things. They have helped him with money management, shopping and other day to day activities.

Care Horizons is a bespoke care provider that provides holistic at-home care in the heart of South Gloucestershire. Care Horizons carefully considers each individual’s needs and they put together a bespoke plan to help them. The team have a strong passion for helping those who need it and CEO, Vierka along with the management team, Jessica White and Joe Sparrow pride themselves on their excellent leadership.

Care Horizons visit Kristian three times a week for 3 hours on a Monday, 5 hours on a Wednesday and 3 hours on a Thursday. Kristian has 2 support workers Laura and Michael who both see him every week and have been supporting him for 3 years. Occasionally another support worker will come which is a nice change for him, but he is very happy that he has a good routine with Laura and Michael. Kristian is very comfortable with support now that his dad and Kathy take a couple of holidays a year and Care Horizons provide sleep in support for him during those times. When a member of Care Horizons is with him, they help him with his shopping and money management which has been hugely helpful for him over the past 16 years as he really struggled with it in the past.

‘Care Horizons have helped me become much more independent and I can now enjoy time away from my dad and family. I love that I have made new friendships and having the Care Horizons team come each week gives me something to look forward to. I love that I can get out of the house and do fun things like go to Harry Potter world, Comic book shops, Forbidden Planet and charity shops. I have also been trying new food.’ says Kristian. He is looking forward to going to Cardiff Comic-Con in October and the Then Jerico concert in December.

When asked about Kristian, Laura said ‘Kristian has become a lot more confident, instigating conversations and requesting places to visit. He’s become more open to trying new things and is really active’.

Kristian would recommend Care Horizons to others with similar daily struggles and is thankful for what they have done for him. His advice to his younger self would be to take care of himself which he hopes others younger than him listen to.

Care Horizons prides itself on the bespoke and holistic care and attention to detail they provide for each client.